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Rheumatoid Arthritis Formula

Lakota Herbs
60 Capsules

$34.99 USD
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 about lakota herbs arthritis formula:

This particular formula combines the positive effective of Collagen Type II therapy with the amino acid L-proline. It is not one of Lakota's legendary, traditional Native American formulas, but a cost effective, modern day formulation from for those of you suffering from joint cartilage degeneration.

The Lakota Rheumatoid Osteo formula was specifically desiged to address the needs of those suffering primarily from rheumatoid arthritis, but people suffering from osteo arthritis should also think about using Collagen Type II for their joint health.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is Collagen Type II ? Collagen Type II is derived from chicken sternum cartilage and has been scientifically proven to help arthritic (especially rheumatoid) patients rebuild damaged joints, cartilage and tendons. Collagen Type II is far more effective for rebuilding joint cartilage than Chondroitin Sulphate which only contains Collagen Type I. Furthermore, Collagen Type I does not work near as effectively on immune-system-related forms of arthritis (i.e. rheumatoid arthritis) as Collagen Type II does.

What is L-proline ? L-proline is the primary amino acid found in cartilage. It aids in maintaining and producing cartilage and helps strengthen joints, cartilage, connective tissue and tendons.

How does Collagen Type II Work ? Collagen Type II naturally stabilizes the body’s immune system and helps neutralize the production of abnormal molecular structures thought to be a major cause of joint misery, deformation, and stiffness, ESPECIALLY in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Collagen Type II also provides the raw materials for human cartilage which can be beneficial for both osteo and rheumatoid arthritis. Unlike many pharmaceutical products that offer only symptomatic relief, Collagen Type II not only reduces pain and inflammation, but also directly combats arthritis by aiding in the normal repair and regeneration of cartilage, ligaments and tendons, as well as helping to improve connective tissue elasticity and cushioning.

Are there any side effects or stomach discomfort associated with Collagen Type II? No significant side effects or discomfort of any kind have been reported from Collagen Type II users.

Is there research that validates the positive effects of Collagen Type II ? Yes. Collagen Type II was thoroughly tested in a major double blind controlled study at Harvard Medical School. The results of this study were published in the prestigious medical journal, Science. The article was entitled, Effects of Oral Administration of Type II Collagen on Rheumatoid Arthritis. This study proved conclusively that Collagen Type II improved all of the major clinical symptoms of severe joint misery in those suffering from RA.

Can I take Collagen Type II with my other medications ? Yes. Collagen Type II is completely safe and natural and should not interfere with other medications you may be taking. However, Lakota recommends that you inform your pharmacist or physician before starting Collagen Type II therapy if you are being treated for chronic health problems with prescription medications.

How long does it take for Collagen Type II to work ? The effects of Collagen Type II therapy are cumulative and long lasting. Many users report joint relief benefits within 14 days. For others it can take up to 6 weeks before they experience significant results. Collagen Type II helps the body heal itself, so the time it takes to experience results will vary with each individual.

Ingredients include standardized extracts of:
Collagen Type II

Dosage: One capsule, 2 times daily, preferably in the morning, and night.


Lakota Joint Care Formula
Lakota Arthritis Formula
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