is an ancient healing art which works on all levels, bringing harmony
to the body, mind, and spirit. If the body is calmed and relaxed, anxiety
in the mind will be lessened.
India, massage is considered to be indispensable and beneficial literally
from the cradle to the grave.
Japan, people are regularly visited by a shiatsu practitioner who goes
from house to house asking "Shiatsu today?".
also recognize that massage can be an important part of stress management,
and findings indicate that the art of giving simple massage reduces
stress even in the givers.
Does Massage Work?
positive influence of massage begins with its influence on the muscular
tissues of the body. Skillful manipulation of the muscles assists in
circulation of the blood and lymphatic fluids, improves the performance
of the lungs and skin, and stimulates the organs of digestion.
muscle tone improves, so do the nerves that supply them, all the way
to the spinal cord, and the brain. Whole person health can be positively
impacted by a professionally applied massage program.