Ayurveda is a holistic
healing science, based on the
concept of balance representing
health. The word itself is
derived from two Sanskrit words:
Ayu (meaning life) and veda
(meaning knowledge)
This science focuses on living
life naturally. It teaches how to live
in society and in the universe without
disturbing the delicate balance of
nature. Ayurveda not only addresses
illness and treatment, but is a complete
way of life which describes the
activities, diet, lifestyle, etc. which
enhance life.
According to Ayurvedic texts,
the human body is comprised of the five
elements of nature: ether (space), air,
fire, water and earth.
Ether -
is space, in particular the cellular,
synaptic and visceral spaces which
allow the tissues to function
Air - governs
movement in the body. The sensation
that is felt when someone touches the
skin is transported to the brain
through movement. Other examples
include breathing (through the
movement in the diaphragm) and the
shifting of thoughts and desires.
Fire - represents
the qualities of change and
transformation. It is therefore the
element relative to digestion,
absorption, assimilation and body
Water - takes
many forms in the body such as:
saliva, plasma, mucus and urine and is
necessary for healthy cell function.
Earth - is
the element which forms the solid
structures of the body (i.e. bones,
cartilage, teeth, skin, etc.)
As in Traditional
Chinese Medicine the Ayurvedic
system views the human body as a
miniature of nature and therefore the
elements listed above are used to create
the structure of the body.
The structural aspects are then
combined to create the three doshas
(Sanskrit for "forces that disturb")
which are responsible for the functional
aspects of the body. The three doshas
are a combination of two of each of the
elements and are used to determine the
individuals' primary constitution and
the factors which contribute/are
detrimental to harmony in the body.
The Doshas
Vata is a combination of the
air and ether (space) elements, with air
being the predominant force. Its
function in the body (as in nature) is
to create movement and is therefore
involved in the following processes:
reflexes and motor functions, breathing,
circulation of blood and nutrients,
transmission of sensory stimuli,
elimination, movement of thoughts and
memory recall.
The qualities expressed by Vata
are: dry, light, cold, astringent,
clear, active and dispersing.
The physical appearance of
Vata is:
Physique: light body frame, low
body fat, little muscular development,
can be very tall or very short
Skin: dry, cool to the touch
(ex. cold hands and/or feet - poor
circulation), medium/dark skin tone
Hair: dry, coarse, dark, curly
Eyes: narrow or small, brown,
gray or slate bue with a dull luster
Mouth: small with thin, narrow
The Vata temperment is:
Mental: nervous, anxious, mood
swings, insecurity, quick to learn but
short retention, creative
Physical: prone to constipation
(due to dry quality), fluctuating
appetite, light sleeper
Energy: very active and mobile
but poor stamina, activity comes in
Remedies for excess Vata:
Exercise: regular, but gentle
in movements
Food: warm, mildly spiced,
moist, nutritious but well cooked
Taste: sweet, sour, salty
Pitta is a combination of the
water element and the fire element, with
fire dominant. As such, it is the fire
that fuels the metabolism and
comprehension of mental experiences.
Pitta is therefore involved in the
following: digestion, absorption and
assimilation of food, creating the
feeling of hunger or thirst,
comprehension and reasoning of thoughts
and theories, sensory perception, vision
(including luster in the eyes), serves
as the furnace of the body - regulating
The qualities expressed by
Pitta are: hot, light, liquid, sour,
sharp and oily.
The physical apprearance of
Pitta is:
Physique: medium build and good
muscular development
Skin: fair, warm, oils (may be
prone to blemishes), freckles, tendency
toward rashes or reddening
Hair: fine, soft, light in
color, straight
Eyes: average in size,
lustrous, bright blue, light brown/hazel
Mouth: medium size with average
The Pitta temperment is:
Mental: organized, driven,
easily irritated, love knowledge and
have a good memory, competitive,
controlling or dominating traits, enjoy
leadership roles
Physical: strong appetite,
regular elimination and rapid digestion,
generally sound sleepers
Energy: enjoys physical
activity, has moderate energy levels
with average stamina
Remedies for excess Pitta:
Exercise: moderate,
Food: cool to warm, mildly
Taste: sweet, bitter,
Kapha is a combination of the
water and earth elements with water as
the primary element. Kapha provides
substance and support for the body and
acts as the basis for Vata and Pitta.
Kapha is involved in the following
functions within the body: lubrication
(i.e. joints), bodily secretions, cell
structure, stability of the mind,
distribution of heat.
The qualities expressed by
Kapha are: heavy, dense, cool, slow,
liquid, static and oily.
The physical qualities of
Kapha are:
Physique: large build, good
muscular development, tendency to put on
weight due to slow metabolism and
Skin: cool, clammy, smooth,
pale, oily
Hair: thick, wavy, shiny
Eyes: large, attractive, brown
Mouth: large mouth with full
The Kapha temperment is:
Mental: relaxed, compassionate,
slow, takes time to learn but prolonged
Physical: strong appetite, slow
digestion, may talk and walk slowly,
deep sleeper
Energy: good stamina and steady
energy, generally disinterested in high
energy activities like running and
Remedies for excess Kapha
Exercise: regular, vigorous
Food: warm, dry, light, spicy
Taste: pungent, bitter,
It is important to note that
the qualities of Vata, Pitta and
Kapha are present in everyone, and
are required to co-exist because they
govern different organs, processes and
bodily functions.
However, one dosha usually
predominates and best describes our
basic physical appearance, behaviours,
attitudes and emotions. To determine
your primary dosha, take our What's
your Dosha? quiz and learn how to
balance your physical and mental state
to achieve health and harmony in your
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